Rabbit Egg Cosy Easter Gifts

Rabbit Egg Cosy Easter Gifts

Embroidered rabbit egg cosy by Kate Sproston Design

Gathering all the tools and materials needed to make our little Easter gift

The evenings are getting lighter, the weather is getting warmer and there are signs of new life everywhere you look. Spring is well and truly on it’s way,  and so too is one of our favourite times of year (and not just because of all the chocolate eggs).

Hand and pen writing a name tag

Handwriting tags for each of the special recipients

With lots of little ones around, some of which are a bit too young to eat huge chocolate eggs, Kate wanted to create a little Easter keep sake for them to enjoy in the years to come. Not to mention hopefully encourage them to eat their dippy eggs and soldiers when they get a bit older.

Embroidered rabbit egg cosy wrapped in cellophane with hand tied bow

Adding a bow and tag to the hold the cellophane in place

Using a length of ribbon and a handwritten name tag, Kate has wrapped one of our embroidered rabbit egg cosies, complete with an egg cup, (and a little chocolate egg for the older children) in a sheet of cellophane ready to be delivered by the Easter bunny.

A group of embroidered rabbit egg cosies by Kate Sproston Design wrapped in cellophane and tied with a bow

All the little rabbits ready to be sent to their new homes

Now all that remains to do is wait until Easter weekend to send the special gift. I hope they like them as much as we do. Now is there a spare chocolate egg anywhere?!

Embroidered rabbit egg cosies by Kate Sproston Design in a bag

In the bag and ready to go!

If you would like some more information about our Rabbit Egg Cosies please visit www.katesprostondesign.com or comment below.

Happy Easter Everyone!

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